
Alexandre Franco - Growth_Nerd
3 min readJun 15, 2024


This blog is a promotion of my book “My Brother” and the original version “O Meu Irmão”.

If you read the entire blog, chances are that you will either buy the book or not bother. I’m rarely wrong about these things.

I’ll start by stating the reasons why you might not want to buy the book.

1 — The book was written 12 years ago and was kept away until 2022 when I decided to take on the painful and laborious task of editing it for publishing. I found myself in a bit of a pickle when I realised that I wanted to rewrite the book almost completely. That wouldn’t make any sense and as such the editing work was purely on grammar and spelling and I kept a few parts that I really wanted to change even though it’s a fictional story.

2 — Even though the book is priced adequately, you might find it on the higher end for a first book from a new author. The kindle version is almost free though.

3 — I promoted the book on my personal Facebook page only. For you to understand, I have less than 30 people on my Facebook friends list so I wasn’t expecting to sell many books. Excluding a couple of exceptions, they’re all family members or what I consider close friends.

4 — I only sold 8 copies, all for close family members and friends. I had at least 2 people that said publicly they would buy it but didn’t and an honest one that said they don’t like to read. Even though I asked them for a review on Amazon all I got was the sound of crickets. I guess they love me very much but the book, not so much. I gave 2 copies away (to 2 people on my Facebook) but unfortunately… crickets.

5 — I do think the above says more about me as a person than my book but I got some mixed feedback on the book. 1 person said that she got to a part that was quite boring but she persisted and managed to finish the book (I know, why bother!). Another person gave a shout out to the book and said that she was still reading it but up to where she was she was enjoying it. Unfortunately I didn’t get the final verdict (I guess you can tell the verdict, eh?) I had 1 more person that after much insistence on my part gave me his feedback and told me that he found it to be a nice story (not too bad).

That’s it. I don’t think I have any more reasons for you not to buy the book.

Why should you buy the book? I think the best I can do is to say that (in my biassed opinion) it does what it says on the tin, so please search for the book on the amazon site for your region. Search in the Books section for My Brother by Alexandre Franco or O Meu Irmão by Alexandre Franco.

I’ll be promoting the book on Twitter as well and my promotion is very simple. Anyone that buys the book and leaves a review, I’ll send, upon request, a digital copy of the book for them to share with family and friends. I will require proof of purchase and review. Any negative review needs to be constructive. If you leave a review saying something in the lines of: what a waste of money, or, what a piece of garbage… I will not send you the digital copy. Those are the rules.



Alexandre Franco - Growth_Nerd

Entrepreneur, Blogger, Educator - Follow for my musings on topics such as business and personal development, technology, crypto and world affairs